
Announcing VStitcher 7.9 and Lotta 3.9

Written by Browzwear Marketing Team | Feb 27, 2018 10:00:00 PM

To kick off a creative and productive new year, we are pleased to announce the release of VStitcher 7.9 and Lotta 3.9 , which does not require a C2V licensing update. We listened to your feedback and suggestions and have worked hard to incorporate them into this release, where we’ve added several new features and improvements. Check them out and let us know what you think.


  • Realistic Edges for Accurate Fit: Improved accuracy of stitch and workmanship, with more realistic and responsive edges create a better overall effect on the garment look and simulation. This improvement perfects edge details in highly stretched garments like swimwear and underwear, and mimics complex edges of combined hems including elastics, for true-to-life overall garment behavior.
  • Interactive Design in Sizes: We’ve made it faster and more intuitive to work with predefined sizes. You can now define a group of sizes to work on interactively, and then save and share it with your team.
  • 3D Styling: You can easily make adjustments like pinching pants from multiple points, rotating sleeves, or flattening ruched fabric, or use the persistent pinch tool to lock areas during simulation.
  • Bring Layered Garments to Life: We’ve made multi-layering easier by enabling  you to individually style each layer, hide or reorder layers, control gravity, temporarily disable stitches, and more for the most attractive display.
  • Improved UI and UX including:
    • Clone by offset for internal elements which makes it easier to clone and position buttons, trims, embellishments or any other internal element or line.
    • Relax and stretch option to set edge shrinkage in terms of the relaxed and stretched target values or percentages.
    • Advanced snap capabilities so patterns snap during rotation and snap to intersections of internal elements.

Ready to get started? Get in touch with us for a demo or the downloads.

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