
Browzwear University: VStitcher 301 Has Landed

Written by Browzwear Marketing Team | May 10, 2021 9:00:00 PM

With the success of Browzwear University’s VStitcher 101 and 201 e-learning course series, we’re sure that all learners are ready to step up their game and move on to the next stage. So, as promised, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of VStitcher 301 . This course series is designed to take users from intermediate to advanced level and we can’t wait to see the results.

The VStitcher 301 courses will cover a range of advanced topics and workflows from additional avatar features and pattern shape functions to renders and exports. This will include working with avatar size sets and how to adjust our latest parametric avatars, pattern sizing and grading along with a variety of additional fitting functions, and last but not least, an overview of our latest Animation Workspace.

“We are excited to publish the first phase of the 301 learning level with further courses to follow throughout the year.  Our focus with this content is to dive deep into more specialized and advanced areas of our software,” Says Cara Babcock, Global Training and Support Director at Browzwear “You can expect to spend a bit more time practicing and reviewing these lessons as their complexity increases to build on top of 101 and 201.  We hope you notice your skills continue to advance and refine as you become comfortable and proficient with these courses.”

Through an assortment of video tutorials, useful tips, and tricks, along with some interactive quizzes, users will also learn how to upgrade the quality of their renders to achieve a flawless, ultra-realistic result as well as how to leverage and edit 3D outputs from VStitcher, for a smooth-running end-to-end animation workflow. *Please note that the 301 course series will be free of charge for all Browzwear users for a limited time of 2-months.

We’re very much looking forward to seeing more and more users progress on their digital journeys with Browzwear University and with their acquired skills, soon become 3D champions for the fashion industry.

Get Started

If you’re not yet a member of the university yet and would like to join, please reach out to a Browzwear representative who will be happy to help get you onboard in no time.