




GRAFIS CAD is a powerful 2D application for professional pattern design, with automatic grading for individual sizes, easy customisation through interactive constructions and dependencies between patterns. With GRAFIS Plugin and VStitcher from Browzwear you can illustrate and simulate all your styles in 3D in real-time.

Seamless integration of 2D and 3D - 3D-visualisation with VStitcher

Experience the power of Grafis CAD with the preparation of your patterns including all information required for the simulation. The positioning of the parts, their alignment in 3D and manufacturing elements such as pleats, gathering, creases or folds become part of your production style. The GRAFIS Plugin enables a direct transfer of the style to VStitcher with instant simulation, ensuring that every change in your 2D style is directly reflected in the 3D environment.

Early prototype development – long before samples or materials are available

Maximize efficiency with VStitcher and the GRAFIS Plugin. Reduce the time and cost of prototyping, minimize sample pieces, streamline communication, and enhance presentations, marketing, or sales. With GRAFIS CAD Clothing Construction and VStitcher from Browzwear, simulate style modifications instantly without additional preparation. Material and texture properties assigned in VStitcher remain intact during each update.

From style development to Marketing – A Seamless Workflow

With GRAFIS CAD, you gain a unique advantage over other CAD systems through its construction principle. Every step is documented in a construction record, allowing for reuse with various measurement charts—whether body measurements or finished measurements—granting maximum control over your style development process.
The integration with VStitcher streamlines and accelerates the process from start to marketing. Discover the advantages.





Speed up your product development with virtual prototyping