Fabric AnalyzerCreate precise digital fabrics for prototyping. 

Use Fabric Analyzer to standardize fabric data across your supply chain, ensuring consistency, accuracy, and improved communication between teams and suppliers. 


FAB is a revolutionary fabric analyzer offered by Browzwear that accurately measures and analyzes physical fabric properties digitally. Eliminating tedious manual analysis prone to human errors, FAB enables visualization and simulation of properties like thickness, drape, and stretch with mechanical precision. FAB facilitates the creation of a digital twin of your garment, ensuring accurate rendering of features and properties, including fabric motio

Bring your fabrics to life in Browzwear.

Measure key fabric traits like thickness, drape, and stretch with mechanical precision, and sync the data with Browzwear to prototype with virtual fabrics that behave like real ones.

Standardize fabric data across your entire supply chain.

Capture and share fabric properties in U3M, our open-source file format, across all your tools to ensure everyone is working with the same data. 

Digitalize all your fabrics, effortlessly.

Send your fabrics to us and we'll test and convert them into a complete digital library, ready for use in Browzwear without any work on your end. 

The Impact

Of Fabric Analyzer

"Our choice of Browzwear was guided by several factors, one of which was Browzwear's Fabric Analyzer (FAB) for accurate testing of fabric properties. This feature enabled us to digitize the fabrics and accurately simulate them in 3D."

"Having accurately digitized materials is extremely important when creating an authentic digital twin. Capturing the physical properties of the material correctly helps us ensure that the stretchability, bendability, and drapeability properties of the material are incorporated into the 3D garment correctly."


True-to-Life Scanning

FAB enables independent testing and identification of each physical property of any fabric, resulting in a digital twin of the garment.

Unparalleled Data Accuracy

FAB compiles fabric measurements and specifications, importing the data into compatible software for integration into the creative process.

Rapid Analysis

FAB accurately measures physical properties such as thickness, drape, and stretch with mechanical precision, eliminating manual analysis prone to errors.

Digital Fabric Creation

Creates a digital fabric ready to be draped in VStitcher and turned into a virtual garment that you can see for yourself.

Open Platform Ecosystem

As part of the Browzwear Open Platform ecosystem. You can use FAB to analyze any fabric, for any application, including footwear and bags.

Fabric Data Compatibility

Fabric information can be shared across multiple software platforms using the U3M file format.

Single Source of Truth

Ensures that all members of the organization are working with the same fabrics across the board.

Success Stories

Speed up your product development with virtual prototyping