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Browzwear X Albstadt-Sigmaringen University


From 2D to 3D CAD, the apparel industry has certainly entered a whole new dimension, and leading universities around the globe are gearing up their fashion students to ensure that have the right skill set to take on and thrive within the ever-evolving digital world of fashion.

One of Germany’s highly regarded institutions, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University of Applied Sciences , which aims to bring innovative concepts and programs to uplift their student’s knowledge and capabilities; recently introduced Browzwear’s 3D fashion design software, VStitcher, as an elective course to both first and second-year students of the Master’s Degree Program in Textile and Clothing Management .

The master’s program entails a course of lectures, internships, and projects that will help expand the student’s research, knowledge, and skills that are linked with real-world scenarios within the textile and clothing industry.


Matrix-inspired look by Judith Gress

The elective course covers the overall basics of VStitcher, from the art of digital fabrics, shape and fit validation to garment creation and rendering capabilities.  Once the students become more familiar with the design software, they have the opportunity to put their newly acquired skills into practice during their final project.

“This semester, students of Albstadt-Sigmaringen University were given the opportunity to work with Browzwear’s 3D fashion design software, VStitcher, during an elective course on the Master’s Program. Within a short amount of time, the students achieved outstanding results by expressing their creativity digitally,” says Ellen Judith Mueller , 3D Apparel Designer and guest lecturer at Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, who spearheaded this project. The students reflected their style inspirations in a mood board, bringing their beautiful garments to life in VStitcher for their final projects, and the results speak for themselves.

“From sports and business outfits to festival-inspired outfits, we all had the opportunity to use our creativity to design different outfits based on our individual interests without any limitations. I found VStitcher to be very user-friendly software as with a click of a button, you have direct access to an endless amount of exciting functions,” says Verena Fischer , Master’s Program Student and Textile Engineer, who create the festival-inspired look.


Harry Potter-inspired look by Verena Hipp

We had just 20 hours, including the learning time with VStitcher, to complete this project, and as soon as I started working the 3D fashion design software, I fell in love with its logical and user-friendly features, especially the unlimited access to the cloud library, the animations, as well as the avatars, ” says Mark Zenzinger , Master’s Program student and Freelance Embroider, who created the minimal function fashion set.

Petra Wagner , Head of Urban Planning, City of Mannheim, who recently stepped into the apparel world noted that “when the pandemic hit and lockdowns kicked in, I made the most of the situation as an opportunity to start studying again in a topic that interests me. I am a seamstress by hobby, and the Browzwear VStitcher course in the Master’s Program was a great chance for me to discover the world of digital apparel and help me advance my digital skills.”

Petra, who created the designer suit, adds that “ VStitcher is an intuitive software convenient for all its users, from the parametric and customizable avatar to visualizing the patterns fit directly on the avatar. From the beginning, it was a really fun experience working with the software and I hope to work with it again.”

Check Out More of the Students’ Designs:


    We look forward to seeing the students progress on their digital journeys as they take the next steps on their career paths.


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